
Shenzhen three and wave of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd

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The advantages of plasma cleaning technology

Author: Shenzhen three and wave of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., LtdIssuing Time:2017-08-03 09:01:22Pageviews:4389smallmediumbig

Today, plasma cleaning technology has become a viable solution to the challenges faced by many industries such as microelectronics, LED, mobile phones, automotive, medical and other industries. Of course, this is inseparable from the advantages of plasma cleaning technology itself.
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Today, plasma cleaning technology has become a viable solution to the challenges faced by many industries such as microelectronics, LED, mobile phones, automotive, medical and other industries. Of course, this is inseparable from the advantages of plasma cleaning technology itself.

(1) plasma cleaning the whole process is environmentally friendly dry cleaning, cleaning media for the gas; cleaning the object after the plasma cleaning is dry, do not need to be dried and then sent to the next process. Greatly improving the efficiency of the entire process line processing.

(2) to avoid the use of harmful solvents and expensive cleaning agents, so that after cleaning will not produce harmful pollutants, so this cleaning method is environmentally friendly green cleaning method. Which in the global attention to environmental protection in the case of more and more of its importance.

(3) The directionality of the plasma is not strong, which makes it possible to penetrate into the fine pores of the object and the inside of the recess to complete the cleaning task, so there is no need to consider too much the shape of the object to be cleaned. And the cleaning effect of these difficult parts is similar to or even better with the effect of freon cleaning.

(4) in the completion of cleaning and decontamination at the same time, but also can improve the surface properties of the material itself. Such as improving the wetting properties of the surface, improving the adhesion of the film, which is very important in many applications.

2017-08-03 4389People browse

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